We use Disulfiram (antabuse) tablets. The tablets have no side effects or interactions. No rejection of antabuse tablets have been reported. Alcohol and drug addicted patients react favourably on treatment. The antabuse treatment for alcohol addiction is becoming a modern trend because of the effectiveness and the non-invasive nature of the treatment. The effects of the treatment are visible immediately and the patient experiences feelings of inner peace and an overwhelming freedom. They also experience a complete change in attitude and personality. The selfishness and egocentric lifestyle that used to be synonymous with the addict is something of the past. They really start to think realistically, rationally and in a logical way. They never want to go back to the way things were when they were completely out of control. It seems to thrill them to be in total control and to earn respect from their peers. They become achievers and start to lead again in the different spheres of life.

Addiction is a deadly disease and needs to be treated pro-actively. Patients need to be regularly monitored to ensure a higher chance of success. Please stay in contact with us and give us all the feedback you can, that helps to ensure continuous compliance and helps eliminate failures. As we said the treatmentt has no side effects or interactions with any medications. Antabuse treatments saves lives and change patient’s destiny forever.

The treatment can be repeated 4 times a year for as long as necessary. Antabuse treatments have been proven to help addicts build strong willpower and the ability to control and manage their lifestyle. Antabuse (Disulfiram) treatments are here to stay because it has saved the lives of thousands of people and it is proving to be more effective at bringing down alcohol consumption thereby making our roads safer and crime less.

Please also see alcoholic’s testimonials after their treatments.

Antabuse (Disulfiram) treatments are also very popular in Poland and China.

If you suffer from Alcohol or Drug Addiction...

Contact us on (012) 5491655/6 or 0825770273

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